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"Making things so gradual that you don't feel when it happens"

Mario Jahara


The Jahara® Method, was founded by Mario Jahara in Northern California in 1995. Mario was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He tells that the ocean was a great source of play and inspiration during his childhood and teenage years. He was inspired to develop Jahara® from several techniques he studied and taught. The most prominent were The Mézière Method, Alexander Technique, and Zen Shiatsu. At the beginning of the 90s, Mario was exposed to water treatments in Harbin Hot Springs, California. These experiences inspired Mario in the development of Jahara® Technique. He taught the first Jahara® class on July 6 and 7 1996, in Berkeley, California. 

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There were 6 students, plus the hosts of the class, Carol and Bob Sweet. The group of pioneers met and trained with Mario for 14 weekends between July 1996 and June 1998.  The philosophy, concepts and principles were all presented in these classes, as well as signature phrases and more.  The name Jahara® was officially chosen and adopted during this time frame by Mario Jahara  and the Berkeley group. They chose this name because of the special connection Mario had with his maternal grandmother Virginia Jahara, as well as honouring the meaning of the word “Jahara” in Arabic: “precious gem/light within”. Virginia Jahara was a gentle and generous woman, yet she contained strength, confidence, and a “strong spine.”  In 2005, the Jahara® trademark was registered in the United States. Over the years Mario continued to teach and disseminate the method, developed different levels of training for therapists and qualified Jahara® teachers around the world. 


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